Archive for Finance - page 2

Spread Betting, Making Tax Free Income

Spread Betting, Making Tax Free Income

Spread betting isn’t familiar in the United States. But for people living in the United Kingdom, this is a familiar financial tactic by which investors make extra money, tax free. That may sound too good to be true, but true it is, and that’s because…

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4 Steps To Improving Cashflow and Becoming More Profitable

4 Steps To Improving Cashflow and Becoming More Profitable

As a small business you cannot only focus on increasing profit. Sure, sales are important and you must ultimately look to increasing your revenue in order to be successful. But, particularly when you are starting up, another factor is equally as important: cashflow. While profits…

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And Then There Was Money!

And Then There Was Money!

Managing your own finances is never an easy task. Life costs, and the more luxury you want more you will have to pay. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that only luxurious life is expensive, since if you are not careful with your money, even some of…

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4 Steps To Pay Your Debts

4 Steps To Pay Your Debts

Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly common as more and more people are with debts that cannot afford. The crisis, increasing taxes, unemployment, etc. make a difficult situation sometimes forces looking for money from anywhere, even borrowing to survive day to day. Having debt can be…

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Benefits of Credit Card Insurance

Benefits of Credit Card Insurance

Leading credit card companies today are offering various types of insurance to their clients free of charge. Once you get hold of your credit card insurance, the best thing to do is to carefully read it for it might include some coverage that you have…

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6 Ways to Ensure Success With House Insurance Policy

6 Ways to Ensure Success With House Insurance Policy

Homeowner insurance can be a rather complicated thing, if we don’t know anything about it. Here are things that we need to consider: Buy the right insurance: It is important for us to purchase the right insurance. In this case, we need to know what…

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How To Identify Counterfeit Money?

How To Identify Counterfeit Money?

For financial institutions and retailers counterfeit money can be a growing problem. We continue to hear stories about fraudsters who pass fake money at shops, bars, restaurants and other places. Despite various anti-counterfeit technologies included in modern banknotes, fraudsters continue to find ways to fool…

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5 Ways to Repay Debts After a Business Failure

5 Ways to Repay Debts After a Business Failure

There’s always an untapped source of wealth, when we are planning to invest. In order to succeed, we need to position ourselves accordingly and people who fail in their investments, could eventually face a mountain of business debts. Debt is like excess fat layer to…

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Instant Credit Cards Online

Advantages and Disadvantages of Instant Credit Cards Online

Instant credit cards online have become more and more popular by the minute. With the rushed lifestyle most people are leading today, and the urgency to get stuff done at microwave speed, it is really little wonder that many people are turning to instant credit…

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How to Make Money From Selling Old Textbooks?

How to Make Money From Selling Old Textbooks?

Many students are turned away from bookstores due to the skyrocketing prices. There are many bookstores available online, but the price difference is actually not significant. It could be seen as an opportunity for us to make money from old textbooks. Many colleges have structured…

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Finding Out Things That Are Not Included in Our Health Insurance Coverage

Finding Out Things That Are Not Included in Our Health Insurance Coverage

Is important that we are able to find health insurance plan that has the lowest costs. It means that we need to find a network that satisfies our requirements. The most common approach is starting from insurers that provide the lowest prices. By using online…

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How To Get A Pay Rise To Improve Our Finances?

How To Get A Pay Rise To Improve Our Finances?

Improving our finances isn’t all about saving money and reducing expenses, we should also look for ways to increase our revenues. For employees, this could also mean getting a pay rise. There are strategies that we can apply to make sure that we obtain it….

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